When I was a young man in the sixties, there was a company in Seattle known as Washington Builders, Inc.

They ran ads on television and radio and I remember them like I remember the SeaFair races on Lake Washington.

The artist for the print and screen media ads was a famous weather cartoonist on Channel 5, or KING TV, (now King5) in the fifties and sixties, whose name was Bob Hale.

It is one of those jingles I will remember all my life. When I was a young carpenter, we often sang the jingle while framing houses.

Their jingle went like this:
With the rap of the hammer - Or just a little bit more,
Washington Builders will make that old place look like it never did before.
Washington Builders - call SUnset 3 - 2xx4

[xx is to protect the owner of the phone number from being pestered]

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